How to make mayonnaise..?

 I show you how to make some essential stuffthat we use in all our keto recipes. And today we're going to be tackling mayonnaise. Yep, most of the time store-bought mayonnaisehas a lot of sugar in it, so you really don't want to be eating it. Also, they use hydrogenated vegetable oils,which are not good fats so we don't really want to eat store-bought mayo given a choiceand besides, it's so simple and easy to make at home, so today we're gonna make some mayo. Now in the mayo today, Im going to be usinga whole egg and not just the yellow of the egg, because, like Gary from Masterchef says,"whatchoo you going to do with the egg white?" . Also, I'm not going to be using vegetableoil of any kind, I'm going to be using olive oil, so technically it will be an aioli but,you know what, we'll just call it mayo, for now. Of course, the mayo purists can come afterme; I've got my guns blazing for you. I'm just going to start by putting our ingredientsin our food processor.

We've got one egg, some salt, some pepper,some mustard, and some vinegar. Then all you've got to do is blitz it forabout 30 seconds till everything is well incorporated. Now we will pour a third of our oil and give another good mix. And you'll start to see that everything isemulsifying together, add in another third of your oil and mix again, or whisk again,or whatever you want to call it. Then you just scrape down all that stuff fromthe sides, after that's done, we're going to add in the final third of our oil and giveit all a gooood blend and you will see that everything has come together very nicely andyou've got a rich, creamy and delicious mayo. Then, just transfer it into your jar and that'sit. That's how easy it is to make your mayonnaiseor mayo. So that's it guys, our mayo is ready, buthold on, wait for it. Of course, as expected, my Indian friendsare going to ask me for sure: How do we make this without egg. In fact, sometimes I wonder how come theydon't comment on my omelette recipes asking me how to make omelettes without egg. But anyway, you know my Indian friends, Ilove you guys. Of course I'm going to show you how to makethis without egg because you can make it without egg. So let's go and make it now. Now for the eggless version, we're going tobe using cream – I'm just using regular Amul cream – 200 gms or 1 cup. Season it with salt, pepper, I'm also addinga spoon of wholegrain mustard because I ran out of dijon and lemon juice. Or then you can use vinegar instead of lemonjuice if you like. Mix them all together and let everything combinewell.

 Then to this we're going to add in our oil,which is just 1/4th cup of olive oil and give that a good whisk once again, or blitz, whateveryou call it. And then you will have it, your creamy, eggless mayonnaise. Look at that, it's deelicious. Just pour it out into your serving dish andyou have eggless mayo – Keto-friendly eggless mayo. Okay, so it's time to taste the mayo thatwe've made.So let me try this egg one that we made. To be very honest, I don't find a very strongolive oil taste but it is there, very mild, in the background, and I like it, it's smooth,it's creamy, I don't feel like anything is different, especially since we added the entireegg and not just the egg yolk and now let me try the creamy one. Mmm, this is creamy and I think that the mustardthat I used, the wholegrain mustard, gives it a totally different dimension. I can kind of tell the difference betweenthe two; this one definitely has that very milky smell to it. 
I don't smell, sorry, I mean more like a taste. So that's the mayonnaise we've made with eggand without egg. I hope you guys are going to try this at home. And what are you going to use it in, pleasetell me. The first thing I'm going to do is make thattuna salad that we did last year.
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