What is Keto? Low Carb, Ketogenic Diet and Ketosis For Beginners

What is keto?Ketosis For Beginners

keto, or a ketogenic diet. And this is going to be an educational, objective,introductory explaining what a ketogenic diet is, how ketosisworks, how it’s different from other diets, andto whom it might apply. As always I have to give my annoying disclaimers. I want it to be clear that I am not sayinga ketogenic diet is “right” or “wrong” for you, me, or anyone else. What is keto? Simply put, a ketogenic diet is a diet that’slow in carbohydrates, moderate in protein, and high in dietary fat. Originally, in the 1920s, a ketogenic dietwas designed for patients with epilepsy to help reduce their seizures. 

The keto diet also tended to have positiveeffects on those patients’ body fat, blood sugar, cholesterol, and hunger levels. It has not been studied widely in terms ofnutritional science, which is one of my main hesitations with sharingit on the channel. But, after doing my own research, I do believe that what I’ve learned is worthsharing because it’s pretty fascinating. As you can probably tell by the length ofthis video, there is a lot of information so please bearwith me. And, if you really do want to learn aboutthe diet, watch the whole video because I don’t want to answer a questionin the comments that I’ve already answered in the video. To understand the keto diet, we’ve got tostart from the beginning: calories and macros. Calories are energy. It’s important to recognize that weightgain and weight loss are complicated.Exercise is important for a healthy lifestyle, but it has minimal impact in terms of weightloss, while it does of course provide other healthbenefits. 

Burning 300 calories in a workout doesn’tequate to burning off a cupcake. Nutrition is going to be about 90% responsiblefor changes in our bodies in terms of weight. And, different types of foods metabolize differentlyin the body. There are MANY variables. That’s why eating 2000 calories of fruit is not the same thing as eating 2000 caloriesof goldfish. Macronutrients consist of protein, carbohydrates,and fat. ALL calories come from these sources, withalcohol as the exception. Your total calories for the day, no matter how many you eat and what diet youfollow, equal 100%. Each of those macronutrients becomes a percentageof your daily pie, and the ratio will often change based on thediet. You cannot have 100% of calories come fromeach macronutrient, that would be 300%. And because math exists,that just isn’t possible. You CAN have an EQUAL number of calories fromeach food—33.3%— BUT fat contains MORE calories per gram thanprotein or carbs, so the percentage would be different in thatcase. A popular diet you may have heard of on YouTubeis a High Carb, Low Fat diet, or 80/10/10. That means 80% of calories come from carbs,10% from fat, and 10% from protein. Competitive bodybuilders often build musclewith a diet that’s higher in carbs and lower in fat with moderate protein, and then, closer to their competition whenthey need to lean out, protein becomes the biggest macronutrientin their diet, followed by fat and carbs. A ketogenic diet, on the other hand, consistsof a diet that is around 70% fat, a moderate amount of protein, and very littlecarbs, only 5% to 10%, depending on the person’stolerance. Now, it’s not a strict ratio, because itwill vary from person to person.

We all have a different carbohydrate tolerance and our insulin resistance levels are different, which means one person on a keto diet maybe able to eat more carbs than another person on a keto diet, but stillbe in what’s called “nutritional ketosis.” More on that in a moment. Now, I realize that this may sound very different from what most of us have been taught aboutnutrition. When I first heard about a keto diet and thishigh-fat ratio, I was skeptical. I had always been taught that you don’twant to eat a lot of fat! But a keto diet functions differently thansome other common diets, such as a diet higher in carbs with less fatand protein that we are typically told is “healthy.” It’s important to recognize from the beginningthat there is no “right” or “wrong” ratio, but there may be one that works better forYOU, and only you can find that out. So, we know that calories are fuel for ourbodies, but that fuel can come from 1 of 2 main sources: glucose, or ketones The main one that MOST people function offof today is glucose.This is essentially a “sugar burning mode”since glucose is a sugar. 

The second source of fuel is ketones, or ketonebodies. People on a ketogenic diet are fueled by KETONES,rather than glucose.When someone’s body uses ketones as fuelrather than glucose, they are in “nutritional ketosis” whichis like a “fat burning mode” since fat is the fuel source. I'll talk more about the benefits of ketosisin a bit. For any diet, it’s important to have bothcarbohydrates and fat for the body to function properly. However, it’s the amount of one relativeto the other that will determine your fuel source, andone is not right or wrong. Now, if glucose is available to the body,it will use that FIRST, because it’s easy to burn up. If you eat a lot of carbohydrates, your bodywill use that glucose as it’s fuel source, rather than using fats as fuel. This is why carbohydrate intake must be LOWon a ketogenic diet, and a keto diet is often referred to as ahigh-fat diet— dietary fat needs to be prevalent enough inthe body in order to produce ketones. Many people associate the word “fat” withthe fat on our bodies, and are unfamiliar with it as a fuel source. There’s a lot of misunderstanding abouthow a ketogenic diet works, which is why there’s also a lot of criticismsurrounding it. But, that’s why I’m trying to explainit here. Don’t get me wrong—our brains and bodiesdo need some glucose, just like we all need some dietary fat, BUT glucose does not NEED to be the MAIN sourceof energy for a body to function healthily. 

Glucose is one energy source, ketones areanother— neither is “right” or “wrong,” they’rejust different. In fact, our ancestors may have lived ketogeniclifestyles without being aware of it. As hunters and gatherers, our ancestors atelots of nuts, seeds, meats, and lower carb fruits like berries. This is often referred to as “primal eating,” and it’s a diet that was high in fats andlow in carbohydrates. It likely resulted in ketosis and helped ourancestors survive from one meal to the next, because their bodies could store that fatas energy. But, does that mean that they CHOSE to bein ketosis? No, they would have eaten whatever was availableto them, but the point is that it was a viable wayfor them to survive healthily, even if they didn’t understand the sciencebehind it. paleo diet, you can eat grass-fed meats,seafood, fruits, vegetables, eggs, nuts, seeds, oils, etcetera, Now, is the paleo diet a ketogenic diet? The answer: it can be. On abut you can’t eat grains, legumes, refinedsugar, processed foods, and typically dairy and excessive salt. Now, most of that aligns with a keto diet,where one consumes more fat and less carbs. However, nothing is strictly prohibited ona keto diet. The ultimate goal is a ratio of fats to carbohydrates— which likely means not consuming many, ifany, grains, legumes or sugar regularly. 

A paleo diet limits only the TYPES of foodsone can eat, and not the macronutrient amounts. For instance, there is no limit to fruitsor healthy carbs, and no minimum amount of fats. A paleo diet is not NECESSARILY a ketogenicdiet, although it can be. Does that make sense? There are plenty of other diets that you mayknow of which CAN result in nutritional ketosis, they’re just not necessarily “keto”diets. For example, the Atkins Diet is a low carbdiet, so it’s commonly mistaken as a keto diet— but it’s not. It’s similar, but there is a significantdifference, and it involves the one macronutrient we haven’ttouched on yet: protein. Both a ketogenic diet and the Atkins Dietare high in fat and low in carbohydrates, BUT a ketogenic diet is moderate in protein, while the Atkins diet does not set a limitto protein intake. Why does this matter? We talked about how carbohydrates are usedby the body as fuel in the form of glucose, and fat is used asfuel in the form of ketones. But, what about protein? Well, through a process called gluconeogenesis, protein can also be converted into glucose. This means, if someone wants to experiencethe benefits of a ketogenic diet and be in a state of ketosis, even if they are on a diet that’s low enoughin carbohydrates, their protein intake can throw them off because too much protein will be processedby the body as glucose. On a ketogenic diet, just like with carbohydrates, the amount of protein one can consume willdepend on the person and how their body metabolizes different foods. There are still benefits to diets like these,that are lower in carbs and contain fats, but lower carb does not equal ketosis, necessarily. 

Ketosis is a physical, biological processthat goes on in the body. It’s brought on when the fat-to-carb ratiois just right— high enough fat, low enough carb—for THATperson’s body.that sugar burning mode. We’ve established that a keto diet exists, but why would someone want to be in ketosis? Are there benefits of following a ketogenicdiet?Healing: Studies have also shown it can helpkill cancer cells, and help to treat or even reverse cognitiveimpairments like Alzheimer’s symptoms. Improved insulin levels, reduced blood pressure, and improved blood cholesterol and triglyceridelevels.

These edges all result from fat being thebody’s fuel supply. therefore what styles of fats square measure applicable fora keto diet? currently, this might appear a touch strange or confusing, as a result of it'll possible go against heaps ofwhat you’ve been told concerning nutrition. But, simply stick with ME. A ketogenic diet is high in fat and low incarbs macro-wise, however most of the people World Health Organization follow it conjointly considerthemselves on an entire foods diet. they're ingestion various foliose and cruciferousveggies, grass-fed meat, eggs, wild-caught fish, farm (depending on the person since it canbe inflammatory), olive oil, vegetable oil, grass fed butter,avocado, nuts, seeds, and a lot of! individuals on a ketogenic diet would typicallyavoid the more obvious processed foods and grains, however they could conjointly avoid some whole foods,such as sweet potatoes, quinoa, higher sugar fruits, legumes, etcetera becauseof their macromolecule levels.

These whole foods square measure still dead healthyfoods, they merely won’t facilitate with going in ketonemia. Too several carbs suggests that aldohexose is availableto the body, which implies it won’t manufacture ketones. For biological process ketonemia to happen, ketonesneed to be the offered fuel supply. It’s heaps of knowledge to process! however you see why it’s therefore necessary to stayopen minded. Really, there's no such issue as “good”or “bad” once it involves health and nutrition as a result of it’s all relative. What’s sensible for one body may be differentfor another, particularly once we’re running on differentfuel sources! There’s such a lot speak within the nutrition worldabout fat, and saturated fat above all, being “bad,” but, again, this can be relative. everybody agrees that trans fats square measure dangerous, becausethey square measure unnatural, unreal fats. But, new dietary analysis has caused somedisagreement over saturated fats. several things we’ve been told to avoid, likebutter and beef, may be a healthy a part of our diets IF theyare actually grass-fed and not processed. On a ketogenic diet, individuals square measure generallynot discouraged from ingestion saturated fat within the sort of grass-fed meat, grass-fed butter, healthy oils like coconut and olive oils,ghee, avocado, salmon and different fatty fish, eggs, nuts, seeds,and full fat farm. On a regular low fat and better carbohydratediet, several of those things square measure discouraged.

Why is that? The AHA and a few dated analysis claims thatsaturated fat causes cardiopathy, however it’s return to light-weight with recent researchthat that conclusion can’t very be drawn. It’s a lot of possible that inflammation causesheart malady than saturated fats, specifically if those fats square measure from wholefoods, and square measure nutrient dietary fats.So, if you're about to embrace a lot of fatsin your diet, the sole choice is to lower the supermolecule orthe carbs, no matter keto or the other diet. And will be} wherever it can get difficult. we have a tendency to see it current around currently that “fatis healthy” and grandiloquence grandiloquence grandiloquence, however we have a tendency to also are told to eat quinoa. You can’t eat a lot of fat, AND a lot ofcarbs. Likely, this might simply mean an individual is consumingtoo abundant food generally. AND bear in mind that fats square measure a lot of calories pergram than carbs or supermolecule, therefore LESS food adds up quickly in your totalcaloric intake desires. There’s heaps to be aware with a ketogenicdiet, however it will have its edges. therefore World Health Organization may think about a keto diet? we have a tendency to already mentioned a few: individuals with a goal of weight loss. Some folks that have struggled with endocrinesensitivity and/or being overweight could notice that a ketogenic diet works reallywell for them as a result of they don’t ought to alter insulin. individuals attempting to reset their appetency centerand be a lot of aware of being full. therefore if you’re on an occasional fat diet, or a lowfat and low carb diet, or a high supermolecule diet, and you think that you’re very hungry all thetime, you’re not crazy.

You actually square measure hungry. Your endocrine is raised and it's telling you thatyou would like fuel. On a ketogenic diet, while not the aldohexose there, your body doesn’t expertise spikes in endocrine and you’re a lot of possible to feel jaded. it should conjointly facilitate individuals with a goal of reducingblood pressure and finding healthy cholesterin levels, or individuals searching for facilitate with PCOS treatment, or those with neurodegenerative disorders. But, in fact a ketogenic diet isn't foreveryone. It’s NOT applicable for individuals with conditionslike: urinary organ or disease, inherited disorder,gallbladder malady, stomachic bypass, rare metabolic disorders,pancreatic insufficiency, those liable to urinary organ stones, sort one polygenic disease, glucose problems like hypoglycemia— therefore for individuals with sort a pair of polygenic disease it dependsand there’s conflicting responses, therefore it’s best to urge a doctor to supervise— those that square measure pregnant, nursing, or World Health Organization havegestational polygenic disease, associated it conjointly might not be an honest plan for: folks that have suffered from an disorder, folks that have a history of mental healthproblems, youngsters or individuals beneath the age of eighteen, and folks World Health Organization square measure naturally terribly skinny witha BMI of but twenty. And, of course, a general health screening is often an honest plan to create positive there’sno rare conditions or contradictions together with your health or medications on a ketogenicdiet. as a result of the biological process science world is stillrelatively new, like I aforementioned earlier, there isn’t a lot of knowledge on a ketogenicdiet. New dietary analysis is rising that is challengingour previous beliefs concerning nutrition. But, despite this, the previous analysis that demonizedfat and saturated fat remains wide accepted. Most of what we all know concerning ketogenic diets return from actual folks that have place it intopractice in their lives.

There is not enough existing research yet to start changing our old approaches to nutritionin the medical world. A ketogenic diet does go against much of whatwe’ve been told about nutrition in the past few years, but the science behind nutritional ketosisis still new. But just because the research doesn’t existin the capacity that’s needed for all doctors to make newconclusions, doesn’t mean that this information isn’ttrue or that the lifestyle isn’t an option. All accepted forms of medicine today, at somepoint, started out as “alternative medicine”that needed enough research to back it. For that reason, if you approach your traditionaldoctor about a ketogenic diet, I’m going to let you know up front thathe or she may just tell you to not do it. Now, I will never tell you to not listen toyour doctor, BUT I will encourage you to continue to doyour own research so you feel confident making decisions becauseYOU know your body best. 

Even if you don’t feel the confidence rightnow, you do. If you feel intrigued and want to learn more,I’ve linked some resources below, but please go off and also do TONSand tons of research on your own. I do NOT recommend trying out a ketogenicdiet willy nilly. You should be able to FULLY understand howketosis works and why before making lifestyle changes. AND remember that this is just an introductoryvideo to explain the diet, NOT an instructional video telling you howto start it. I don’t want you to miss out on valuableinformation that you wouldn’t have without doing yourown research, like the stages of ketosis, the differencebetween ketosis and ketoacidosis, how to test ketone levels, supplements, saltintake, effects on exercise, water intake, etcetera— all of these things which are really essentialto understand before making dietary changes. Remember—the reason there is such a debateabout these different diets— you can’t do ALL of them at once, so peopletend to think that one is right or wrong. But NONE of them are right or wrong, and theyall work for SOMEONE, but they won’t all work for YOU. Probably. We all need to stop with this “this dietis right and this is wrong” and “fat or carbs are good or bad” mentality. It depends on YOU and your body and what worksbetter with you. YOU are not me or anyone else, we are alldifferent. Our diet needs and what works for us willdepend on our genetics, lifestyle, activity level, diet history andso much more. 

So if someone gets on the internet and claimsthat ANY type of diet or ratio is THE one for everyone, be skeptical, because remember, they don’t know you, or yourhistory, or your body, or what you might be sensitive to. Even if you have no interest in actually followinga ketogenic diet, I think information is power. It can help us to be more understanding of otherlifestyle choices, and knowing what it is and how it works willonly make you a more informed human. The more you know about your body and howit works, the more confident you’ll feel to make yourown choices moving forward. I hope you found this episode useful. If you want more educational videos like this, be sure to give this video a thumbs-up! Thanks so much for being a part of this supportiveand open-minded community, I really do believe we can learn from ourdifferences. I’ll see you tomorrow on my PIZZA channel,I’ll see you right here next week, and remember, it’s all a matter of MindOver Munch! https://keto4fitness.blogspot.com/2020/06/keto-diet-for-beginners.html