7 different benefits of ketogenic diets

It's weight loss that draws many peopleto low carb and ketogenic diets initially but the benefits go way beyonda leaner waistline, from diabetes to dementia from cardiovascular disease tocancer. I'm going to share with you 7 different benefits of low carb and ketogenic diets, let's get started! Hey Carb Dodgers, my name is Dr. Dan Maggs. Normally this channel is all about how to achieve a lasting weight loss through low carbdiets and weight loss is the reason that I started out on a ketogenic diet, butthree years later when I've lost all the weight I need to... I'm still on a low-carbdiet and these are just some of the reasons why... So #1 let's start with Weight Loss. So low carb diets have been conclusively shown to be moreeffective than low-fat diets for weight loss. Low carb diets reduce insulinlevels allowing us to access our stored body fat more easily. 
7 different benefits of ketogenic diets

They reduced hungerallowing us to eat less. They may even create a metabolic advantage, meaning we simply burn more calories when we're low carb and they may even help us with foodaddiction problems. Now, I don't want to dwell on weight loss in this videobecause I covered all of these points in detail in last week's video and I'mgoing to link to that video at the end of this one. The 2nd reason is Improved Blood Glucose Control. The supply of energy from our food to ourtissues is at the core of our metabolism and the regulation of our blood glucoseis an important part of this. You will simply have fewer spikes in energy on alow-carb diet the insulin or sugar crash that many people experience during theday is a result of consuming high GI or highly processed carbohydrates thatresult in rapid rises in blood sugar levels and the insulin response thatfollows reduces our blood sugar levels quickly and that often leaves us withlow energy levels and when we consume fewer carbohydrates we can betterregular our blood glucose levels avoiding these energy spikes.

Let's talk about Type 2 diabetes control of blood glucose is critical for people with type2 diabetes now type 2 diabetes is definedby having blood glucose levels that have raised beyond normal and people who areaffected by this disease they're effectively intolerant to carbohydratesand it seems crazy to me that the first-line dietary advice is still toconsume carbohydrates although thankfully the tide is turning with moreand more doctors seeing the power of using low carb diets in the managementof type 2 diabetes. Specifically low carb diets lead toimproved hba1c which is a test we use to see how blood glucose levels have beenover the past few months and low carb diets can reduce dependence onmedication if diabetic patients don't address their carbohydrate consumptionthey can usually expect to be taking ever-increasing doses of medications astheir disease progresses through the years and low carb diets can even putdiabetes into remission. See when I was training just a few years ago it wascommonly accepted that type-2 diabetes was a progressive... worsening diseasewhich couldn't be reversed but only could be managed. Now thankfully we knowthat is just not the case and we see more and more people reversing theirtype 2 diabetes. So just as the ketogenic diet can help type 2 diabetics managetheir condition more easily the ketogenic diet may lessen the risk ofdeveloping type 2 diabetes in the first place by avoiding all those nastyrefined carbohydrates.

 So what about type 1 diabetes? People cat with type 1diabetes can expect to see better control of their blood sugar's havefewer hypose and use less medication. #3  this is a big one, low carbdiets improve cardiovascular risk markers. When we're talking heart attacksand strokes here and it's a common concern that people have about low carband ketogenic diets is the increased fat consumption that goes hand-in-hand withthem however the science shows that this isn't true and in fact it shows that lowcarb diets improve many of the markers that are commonly associated with heartdisease. Firstly, it improves HDL. We've all heard about the great cholesterol battle HDL versus LDL ... good versus evil l and whilst much of the focus seemsto be on lowering LDL think statin medications very little attention hasbeen paid to raising of the good cholesterol levels to HDL and this isprobably because drug companies have failed to provide medication to do thisto date. The good news is that low carb and ketogenic diets are particularlyeffective increasing HDL levels. It also improves LDL particle size.Many scientists now believe that we've been focusing on the wrong thing when itcomes to "bad cholesterol" and it's the size of the particle that mattersrather than the total number. So whilst low carb and ketogenic diets oftenresult in raised LDL levels The particles are larger and fluffier whichare thought to be less damaging to the walls of our arteries. Thirdly, low-carb diets reduced triglycerides. Now these are the fats that are made in the liverwhen too much carbohydrate is consumed and we see significant improvement intriglyceride levels on low-carb diets.

So much so some doctors use them tosee wherever the patients are literally projected to their low-carb diets. Moving on from sterol onto alternative risk factors for cardiopathy ... High Blood PressureNow cardiovascular disease is standard to be the one biggest risk issue forheart attacks and strokes however raised hypoglycemic agent levels caused the kidneys toretain fluid that ends up in higher blood pressures. it'll thus return as nosurprise that cutting the carbs has additionally been found to chop force per unit area.Abdominal fleshiness is additionally improved. i discussed weight loss earlier however lowcarb diets area unit particularly helpful at obtaining obviate that fat that's carriedaround our waist as a result of this fat really within our abdominal cavitiesaround our internal organs and it's that that creates it therefore unhealthy for our health.Fatty liver malady however it is not caused by alcohol. {fatty liver|liver malady} disease is causedby the excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates.Now little however promising studies have shown rapidreversal of {fatty liver|liver malady} disease with low-carb ketogenic diets. currently I simply wantto shut this section by gazing those risk factors altogether as a result of wehave a reputation for it it's referred to as the metabolic syndrome.Anyone with 3 or additional of the conditions that we've talked concerninglisted down on the correct hand facet of the screen currently possesses metabolicsyndrome which amounts for concerning twenty five % of the Western world however why isthis important? as a result of about seventy fifth of individuals United Nations agency have a heart failure orstroke also are found to possess the metabolic syndrome.

Now low-carb diets and ketogenic diets appear to be effective up all ofthe individual parts of the Mainetabolic syndrome that suggests to me that it isreally addressing the underlying cause. #4 It reduces inflammation within the body. Excessive consumption of extremely processed carbohydrates elicits animmune response within the body within the type of inflammation, if your diet regularlyconsists of extremely processed carbohydrates your body can stay in astate of inflammation that over time will have a prejudicious impact on yourimmune system. currently we've already mentioned cardiopathy and polygenic disorder butbeyond that chronic inflammation also can harm deoxyribonucleic acid resulting in conditionssuch as cancer. currently smoking continues to be the most important reason behind cancer in several countries however astonishingly fleshiness is in second place. therefore it is not onerous to envision howweight loss may cut back your risk of cancer. on the far side that ketogenic diets area unit presently being investigated for howthey might facilitate forestall or treat sure cancers. One theory is expounded tolowering blood sugar and thus hypoglycemic agent levels. Another study found thatthe ketogenic diet is also an acceptable complementary treatment for folks whoare already taking therapy and radiation sure as shooting cancers. Arthritis, terribly}ll|one amongst|one in every of} the most effective ways that to boost inflammatory disease in weight-bearing joints isthrough weight loss however reduced inflammation might end in less jointpain significantly for people who suffer conditions like arthritis and autoimmune disorder the reduction and inflammation that goes beside aketogenic diet is presently being wide analysised in a vary of autoimmuneconditions and also the role that the ketogenic diet plays in reducing chronicinflammation could be a very exciting space of research. #5 Brain perform Improved concentration, we have a tendency to already talked aboutstabilizing blood sugar levels and overcoming those mid-afternoon energyslumps. This in itself goes to assist your concentration however on the far side this beingin a state of ketonemia implies that your brain also will be mistreatment ketones as anenergy supply and lots of folks report a way of clarity and improveconcentration with reference to this. 

Improved sleep. To be truthful once folks begin offinitially on a ketogenic diet they typically report worse sleep while they'rebecoming tailored however on the far side the primary few weeks there's anecdotal evidencethat some folks expertise a better quality of sleep that after all helpswith daytime energy levels and concentration. Epilepsy, for several yearsnow ketogenic diets are wont to manage sure varieties of epilepsyparticularly in kids wherever medication has been unable to manage theirsymptoms. It's presently being researched to treat or forestall conditions such asParkinson's malady, Alzheimer's disease, MBD and even some sleep disorders. #6 Improved skin health. Another, really, exciting space is however a low-carb diet canaffect our gut microbiome diets that encompass high saccharide contentparticularly processed carbohydrates have the flexibility to change gut bacteriathat may result in inflammatory disease. A high range of foods related to skin health,particularly those who contain A additionally work very well with theketogenic diet and also the final purpose during this video... #7 It improves health in ladies with PCOS. PolyCystic female internal reproductive organ Syndrome or PCOSis associate degree endocrine disorder that causes enlarged ovaries with cysts irregularperiods and fertility problems and if you've got a glance aroundthe web you will find a lot of anecdotal proof suggesting that thiscondition may be helped by following a ketogenic diet and while analysis islimited into this space there's some proof to support these claims. therefore overall I hope that has shown you that there's tons additional to low carb andketogenic diets on the far side weight loss. i would like to hear your thoughts that ofthese areas does one realize the foremost fascinating.click here fore more https://www.facebook.com/ketorecipe4u