keto snacks_Brown butter scrambled eggs

Hi guys and welcome to another blog of's Keto Recipes. This time around that chef son of mine is going to show you guys how to make egg egg citing because egg is a very important factor in a keto diet. Fat and egg, fat and egg, over to him. Anyway, today we're gonna be doing something with eggs. Now if you're on keto you're probably eating a ton of eggs like I am and sometimes it can get boring even though you have scrambled egg, you have omelettes, you have poached egg, you have boiled egg, you have fried eggs,I mean the list is of egg recipes is quite endless. But today we're going to do something not particularly different but something very interesting, in my opinion. We're gonna do a brown butter scrambled eggs. It's gonna be Amazing. It's ridiculously delicious, it hits all your fat macros and you are going to enjoy it, trust me. Let's go and make that delicious brown butter scrambled eggs.

 The first thing we're going to do is break two eggs in a bowl and then we're just going to beat them. Once your eggs are well beaten, you're gonna get a pan on the stove and you're gonna melt two whole tablespoons of butter. Yep. We're gonna melt that butter on a low and slow flame and you're gonna wait till that butter starts to change color. It's going to go from a golden to brown. Once the butter has browned you want to pour in your eggs and you want to keep them moving. You don't want it to become an omelette, so keep scrambling those eggs in the pan. You can actually turn off the gas at this point and that should be enough to cook the eggs through but I didn't do that so I got a little firmer texture on my scrambled egg, but that's okay, you can cook it how you like it and that's it. I'm just going to season it with a bit of salt and some pepper and we're going to finish it off with some fresh chives. Ohhh that looks yummy dummy (!). And once you'redone, just put it out in your plate and your brown butter scrambled eggs are ready. Does that look incredible or what. Mmmm delicious.

 Alright guys,. Are you ready to taste? This is brown butter scrambled egg, very high in fat, meant for keto diet only. Okay guys, I'm back doing the two things I love: eating good food and talking. So here's to tasting this brown butter... Guys you can't find a person who'd taste this and tell you it's not delicious. It's so buttery and so tasty, you don't even need a slice of bread with this, which is the best part about it. Yeah that's a lot of butter in this, like I said guys and that's a lot of your fat for the day so I hope you guys will make this at home and I'm glad you enjoyed it. It just slides down your throat – that muchbutter.
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