Keto chocolate cake

 Horns up and welcome to our new blog.Anyway, So let's go and make that delicious Keto chocolate cake. Now for this recipe we're going to need 200 grams of dark chocolate, and you've gotta makesure it's really dark so that it doesn't kick you out of Keto, 100 grams ofbutter, 100 ml of cream, 5 tablespoons of Truvia or whatever sugar-freesubstitute you use and 4 eggs separated into yolks and whites. Nowit's time to make this Keto chocolate cake and I think a lot of you might bewondering, is this going to kick me out of ketosis because the Lindt chocolate orany chocolate that you're using has some amount of sugar, but if you eat one slicea day, you're fine. So I'm going to put the macros for the first time in thedescription box below, do check it out. Anyway enough jibber-jabber and wabble wabble. Let's go and talk about the cake; let's go make the cake actually. So we're going tostart by greasing our cake tin first and foremost–make sure you have a nice cake tin. This is a 7-inch tin because I want the cake to be nice and high butif you use a larger pan, no problem. It's just that your cake will be a littleflatter, probably. Once you're done with that we're going to preheat our oven toabout 150-160 degrees celsius and get preheated, basically. Preheating your oven is veryimportant. 
keto chocolate cake

The next thing we're gonna do is gonna get a double boiler going andthat's basically to melt the chocolate. If you don't want to do this, you canmicrowave the chocolate in bursts of 30 seconds so we started the double boiler and chocolate is slowly melting and we're going to add our butter to thisnow. 100 grams of butter and let that melt slow and steady keep giving it a stir every now and then– you want it to be nice and smooth You know, chocolate is quite temperamental, to be honest, so be careful with it. Once you've got a niceconsistency there, we're going to add in our cream and give that a good mix as well.Now that the cream is also well incorporated, we're going to take it off thestove and we're going to add in the Truvia. Now, if you don't have Truvia, you canuse Stevia or any other sweetener that you like; just ensure that you taste themixture constantly so you know that it's sweet enough to your liking. So, anyway, now that this is done we'regoing to keep this mixture aside and let it cool for a bit because if you addyour egg yolks now it'll become scrambled eggs so put it on the side and let it cool. And it's time to whip up our egg whites. Now I'm whipping it up without cream of tartar, but if you have some you can add a pinch of it. Alternatively, you can add a pinch ofsalt here as well and you can also, I believe, add two drops of lime juice, thatdoes the job as well of stabilizing the egg whites. You want to whip it to stiffpeaks, basically, and once that's done it's going to be incorporated intothe chocolate mixture. 

But before that it's time to add our egg yolks to themixture now. We're going to add in one egg yolk at a time into our chocolate mixture and you want this to emulsify, that is the idea here,which is why we're adding one yolk at a time. So slowly incorporate them oneat a time and finally at the end of it you have a lovely, delicious, rich, smoothand creamy looking chocolate. For the final step of this we're going to add athird of the egg whites and then we're just going to whip them in so that you have a nicesmooth mixture. This is just to loosen up the entirething and then we're going to add the remaining and whites in two batches andwe're going to slowly fold it in, so you want to see the motion, it's a nice foldingmotion. Don't get impatient and get aggressivewith it– fold it in. And that's it! Your cake mixture is done. Now it's timeto pour it into the cake tin. Oh look at that, that looks so delicious. Once that's done you want to smoothenout the top of it, so it looks nice and clean, and now we're just going to put itin the oven for about 30 minutes, or till the center is cooked and not jiggling. Andthat's it! Look at that, oh my god, does that lookheavenly or does that look heavenly? Of course, don't be impatient, wait for the cake to coolbefore you do all the cutting and portioning out, but yeah that's it. Your keto chocolate cake is ready.   

The cake. It's beencooled down and I can't wait to dig in. You know, being on Keto, dessert is one ofthe things that you miss so this I hope it's great Oh man, oh wow that is a beautiful hitof dark rich and sweet chocolate and I can't describe... and this is stillslightly warm so it's got that little fudgy vibe to it and I can't wait to put thisin the fridge and let it cool down because I love cake cold for somereason. Am I the only one? Do you like your cake cold or hot? But this is to die for! Look at that texture! It's so good. You guys please try this, let me knowwhat you think of it, let me know how it turns out. I wanna hear from you.
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