
Welcome if you’re new,and I’m so happy to have you here. A lot of you have wanted more keto and lowcarb recipes, and a lot of you want more bento box recipes,so we’re putting that together and you are getting both right now. These are 3 keto bento boxes, they’ve got low carb recipes but you don’thave to be on a low carb lifestyle to enjoy them. The first box is a vegetarian box. I’m starting with a veggie-packed egg salad! I separate the yolks and whites of boiledeggs, and add the yolks, mash, and then add some homemade mayo— which I showed in my keto meal prep vid aswell as on my Insta story a few times. Then add mustard and mix. Then I can add my chopped boiled whites, redbell pepper, broccoli rice, mushrooms, chopped celery, and salt & pep and mix! Season to taste. Egg salad is a great low carb addition toany meal or even as a snack. 

I love eggs paired with avocado, so next isa simple avocado tomato salad! I combine halved heirloom tomatoes, with avocadocubes, lime juice and salt. That’s it! Of course for prepping purposes, I recommendadding the avocado the morning you’re going to eat this oreven at the time of eating. The creamy avocado with the sweet and tangytomatoes are SO delicious, yet so simple. How about some…bacon?? Wait, vegetarian BACON!? We’re doin’ it! Vegans and vegetarians can do low carb withsoy— but go for a fermented soy product like tempehfor added health benefits. In a bowl, whisk together soy sauce or coconutaminos, hot sauce, and some liquid smoke. Now, this is NOT optional if you want to have that bacon-y flavor, butit is still tasty without it, it just won’t taste as much like bacon! Add cumin and salt & pep. Slice your tempeh super thin, and add thetempeh to the saucy mixture and soak for just a few minutes. Heat some oil in a pan and add the tempehstrips, cooking 1-2 minutes on each side over highheat, until crisp and browned! Transfer to a paper towel to cool, and thenadd salt if needed. Cut into bacon bits! This is great as is, but why not add it tothat avocado tomato salad or the egg salad!?.I do have a keto if you want tocheck it out In the next compartment I have a peach… Say what?!? I know, not generally a fruit in the low carbcommunity, but did you know that 1 small peach or a halfof a larger one has only about 4 grams of net carbs? Some people totally have the carb tolerancefor that and will remain in ketosis! It’s nice to switch it up. Last but not least, coconut chips! I add them to a tray and toast them in theoven for just a few quick minutes, They will brown quickly! They become a delicious and naturally sweettreat, no sugar or sweetener needed! Who knew a vegetarian low carb box could beso fun!? Remember, I am just using this bento box forpresentation purposes— you can of course store your meals howeveryou want. The next box is a clean low carb box. 

A lot of people think low carb or keto meansa ton of dairy, but it doesn’t have to! These are all dairy free! First up, Thai lettuce wraps! These are from my new Low Carb eBook, whichis filled with meal preppable low carb recipes. I also have a separate vegetarian meal prepebook too, over 35 recipes in each, and you can get anyeBook or package 10% off this week if you use the code “KETO” at checkout! All are available at For the lettuce wraps, I whisk together peanutbutter, chicken or vegetable stock, soy sauce or coconut aminos, lemon juice,sesame oil, chili paste, and a pinch of cayenne. In a saucepan over medium heat, I add groundturkey and cook through. Once it’s completely cooked, I add the saucemixture and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, until the liquid is reducedand the sauce has thickened. Then I can remove it from the heat and finishit off with some cilantro and peanuts. I like to serve this in lettuce wraps, butit’s delicious and perfectly acceptable to just go at it with a spoon! Time to get our veggies in! Next I have Brussels sprouts… chips! Now, I am not a HUGE Brussels sprouts fan,but I will not turn down a chip! I won’t, it’s true! I won’t turn down a chip. Start with the leaves of the Brussels sprouts,and add them to a bowl with a drizzle of oil and salt. Toss together and transfer to a baking rackon a pan lined with foil and sprayed. Bake until crispy! BOOM! That is my kind of vegetable! A lot of people think low carb and keto hasto mean NO fruit, but it doesn’t! Some people can tolerate more than others,but it can still be incorporated if you want it. 

Raspberries and strawberries are 2 of thefruits lowest in carbohydrates! The next compartment is filled with pecansand macadamia nuts, 2 of the most easily accessible nuts, lowestin net carbs. Finally, a sweet treat: no-bake coconut bars! Mix together coconut shreds, coconut oil,a liquid sweetener of your choice— I am using a clear fiber syrup but you canuse whatever you prefer— vanilla extract and a pinch of salt. Pour into a pan lined with foil and presswith damp hands. Freeze until firm, and then you can thaw slightlyand cut into bars. These are addicting so make sure you onlypack what you want to let yourself eat! The last box is pretty nifty, interactive and veggie-filled— let’s make healthy food fun! First we’ve got some buffalo chicken celeryboats. Start with cooked and shredded chicken. Now remember, you don’t need to use the breastif you don’t want because fat is NEEDED on a keto diet. Use whatever you have, but don’t be afraid of legs or thighs—plusthey’ll take you to flavor town! Add buffalo wing sauce, green onions, andsalt & pep to taste. Mix together, and then add to your celerysticks! Vegetable vessels make eating healthy muchmore enticing, don’t you think!? Thumbs up for creative ways to incorporatevegetables! Yeah, you like that!? Well I’ve got another veggie packing trickfor you: add them to your guac! I mash an avocado, and then add lime zest, lime juice, finely diced broccoli florets,shallot, chives, and salt & pep. 
They add texture and flavor but avocado isstill your number 1! Hon, does this make me look… fat?? Get even more veggies in by using them asdippers! Radishes pair well in flavor, and they cantotally be used as a firm chip! The next compartment is actually a fruit indisguise: olives! Olives are exceptionally low in carbohydratesand are a source of healthy fat! A perfect keto snack. Last but not least, we’re getting even moreveggies in with some VEGGIE-PACKED ENERGY BALLS! Whisk together coconut flour, sweetener ofchoice, cinnamon, and salt. Add in some mashed sweet potato, vanilla extract,and water. It should stick together when pressed. And then you can throw in some grated zucchiniand carrots. Refrigerate the mixture for about 15 minutesbefore rolling into balls. Think carrot cake, kicked up a notch! These are sure to satisfy that palate transitionwe’re looking for after all of that savory goodness. And those are 3 keto friendly bento box ideas! Remember, I encourage you to get creative—takethese and make them your own! Take what you want, leave what you don’t,these are just here as healthy inspiration and can work into lifestyles that aren’tlow carb, too! I have an entire BIG BENTO eBook as well thathas all of my bento recipes from my bento series we did last year, andthat is available on in addition to my new Meal Prep recipe eBooks. And, again, for that discount, you can usethe code KETO this week only. YOU GUYS! Last week I announced that I have gotten togetherwith my friend Sara Lynn from The Domestic Geek, you’veseen us collab many times— we have started a NEW CHANNEL together forour brand new series called Friday Night Supper Club. We get together on a Friday night, make a challenging recipe, have some drinks,have some fun, and every Friday a video goes up on thatchannel. In my description, you’ll find a link to subscribe and allthe information you need. I hope you’ll go check it out and let meknow what you think! 
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